Life at Digichrom

At Digichrom, we always encourage creativity and innovation. Every day is an opportunity for you to contribute new ideas, experiment with concepts, and foster personal development. Not only in terms of work, but also in doing everything together, we promote teamwork and collaboration.

  • A Harmonious Blend Of Professionalism And Personal Life
  • Organizes Events And Extracurricular Activities To Foster Team Bonding And Enjoy Life Outside Of Work
  • A Professional And Dynamic Family Where You Can Grow Your Career And Achieve Outstanding Results
  • A Creative And Exciting Experience

Benefit Highlights

Supporting individuals in developing the skills and behaviours they need to achieve high performance for organization and profesisonal growth.

Health Insurance

Health insurance in our company is an essential benefit we provide to our employees. We understand the importance of safeguarding their well-being and offering peace of mind when it comes to their healthcare needs.

Our health insurance plan offers comprehensive coverage, including:

  • Medical Services

  • Dental Coverage

  • Vision Care

  • Mental Health Services

  • Wellness Programs

  • Emergency Care


At Digichrom Company, we understand the importance of fostering a healthy work-life balance for our employees. To encourage team bonding, physical fitness, and a fun atmosphere, we organize a range of outdoor activities throughout the year. 

Among these, badminton and football stand out as perennial favorites, while our company competitions add an exciting dimension to our outdoor events. In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of these activities and competitions, highlighting the benefits they bring to our team members.

Learning & Development

The Digichrom Training Course for Managers and Supervisors is a comprehensive program designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in leadership roles within the digital age. In an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving business landscapes, effective management and supervision are more critical than ever. 

Course Content refers to the specific topics and subjects that will be covered  for Managers and Supervisors. It outlines what participants can expect to learn and study throughout.

Annual Event

Every year, our company hosts a variety of annual events to foster team bonding, celebrate achievements, and create memorable experiences for our employees. These events play a crucial role in our company culture and help to build a strong sense of community among our team members. Here are some of the annual events that our employees look forward to:

  • Annual Awards Ceremony
  • Team Building Retreat
  • Company Milestone Celebrations


Providing suitable accommodation for staff is an important aspect of our company’s commitment to the well-being and convenience of our employees. We understand that comfortable housing plays a significant role in their overall job satisfaction and work-life balance. Here’s an overview of our accommodation policies and offerings:

In situations where the company does not directly provide housing, we offer a housing allowance as part of the compensation package.